This is a simple (2) to (6) player game for ages 8 and up wherein each player races to the FINISH. Play as individuals racing through Paris’ “THE URBAN LEGEND” neighborhood, trying to find ways to stay COOL during the HOTTEST summer ever. Making it from SCHOOL, through the neighborhood, and to the BLOCK PARTY will not be an easy task. A prankster brother (GENE), a daredevil cousin (ANTOINE), help PARIS along this journey, a little. Beware of a killer dog named Fluffy aka CHEWBARKA, and neighborhood BULLIES. ROCKETS, SHORT CUTS, ROLLER COASTERS, a little tattle tale name KONA, and more stand between you and the sweet taste of POP’S RIBS. Oh, and VICTORY at the FINISH line!
The Urban Legend Summer Adventures Board Game
$35.00 Regular Price
$29.75Sale Price
Excluding Sales Tax